Guidance by the Principal to Teachers in Learning Management in Private Vocational Schools Management Business Groups
This research was motivated by the constraints of teachers in managing learning during the Covid-19 pandemic and the decline in student learning outcomes. This research is to obtain information, an overview of how school principals provide guidance to teachers in daily teaching and learning activities. The study was located at SMK S Nurul Falah and SMK S Cersa using the entire population of 58 teachers, and the sampling technique used was the saturated sample technique, namely 58 teachers. By using a Likert scale using 5 (five) alternative answers (very good, good, good enough, not good, not good) which have been tested for validity and reliability with valid and reliable results.The data analysis technique was carried out by calculating the average respondent's answers then making categories and interpreting them according to the classification table so that the appropriate category was found.The results showed that (1) the guidance of principals to teachers in guiding teachers to plan learning was in the fairly good category with an average score of 3.51, (2) the guidance of principals to teachers in guiding the implementation of learning was in the fairly good category, namely 3.53. , (3) guidance by the principal to teachers in evaluating teaching and learning activities is included in the fairly good category with an average score of 3.59, (4) the guidance of the principal in supervising teachers planning learning in both categories with an average score of 3, 60, (5) the guidance of the principal to the teacher in supervising the implementation of learning in the good category with an average score of 3.80, (6) the guidance of the principal to the teacher in supervising the evaluation of learning in the good category with an average score of 3.67,(7) coaching by school principals to teachers in assessing learning planning in the good category with an average score of 3.65, (8) coaching by school principals to teachers in assessing the overall coaching of school principals to teachers in learning management is included in the good category with an average score of 3.64.
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