Student Perceptions about the Implementation of the Online-Based New Student Admission System (PPDB) at Padang City State Vocational Schools

  • Yenni Aulia Department of EducationaAdministration, Universitas Negeri Padang
  • Jasrial Jasrial Department of Educational Administration, Universitas Negeri Padang
Keywords: Student perception, Implementation of an online-based new student admission system


This research is a study that describes and explains how students' perceptions of the implementation of the online-based new student admission system (PPDB) at the Padang City State Vocational School in the aspects of registration of new student admissions, selection of new student admissions, announcement of the determination of new students, re-registration new students. The type of research used is quantitative research and the strategy used is proportional random sampling . The population in this study was 4,657 students of class X SMK Negeri Padang, with 99 samples taken. The estimation instrument of this research is a questionnaire using a Likert scale. The information collected is handled by estimating its value. The results of the study show that students' perceptions about the implementation of the online-based new student admission system (PPDB) at Padang City State Vocational Schools, seen from aspects (1) registration of new student admissions has a good status with a score of 3.94 , (2) selection of new student admissions with good status with a value of 4.06, (3) announcement of the determination of new students with good status with a value of 4.08, (4) re-registration of new students with good status with a score of 3.6. Overall, students' perceptions about the implementation of the online-based new student admission system at the Padang City State Vocational School are in good criteria with a score of 3.92


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How to Cite
Aulia, Y., & Jasrial, J. (2022). Student Perceptions about the Implementation of the Online-Based New Student Admission System (PPDB) at Padang City State Vocational Schools. Administer: Scientific Journal of Educational Administration and Leadership, 1(2), 41-45.