Management of Cultivating Character Values in Scouting Activities in Senior High School
This study aims to determine and analyze the management functions which include: planning, implementing, evaluating, and following up scout education in character education in Man 1 AGAM. Researchers use a qualitative approach in order to find out in-depth how the management of inculcating character values in students in scouting activities at MAN 1 AGAM, with the research subjects being the Head of Madrasah, Head of Student Affairs, scout coaches, and all students in grades X and XI who participated in scouting activities. Researchers use data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and documentation so that researchers are able to obtain research results, namely, MAN 1 Agam has implemented a management function of planting character values in scouting activities so that activities run well, meaning that scout activities in MAN 1 Agam have been going well.
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